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Oh goodness. So, this week has been eventful, to say the least. What do these photos have to do with anything? Well,  if you've ever seen a downed power line, you might have a clue about what this is. 
Monday morning, at 2am-ish, a powerful wind storm ripped through my neighborhood. I don't mean the type that knocks over trash cans. I mean the kind of wind storm that rips truckbed covers in half and relocates them down the block. 
What you're seeing is only a few of the broken power poles and lines that disabled my electricity this week. Ten, total, broke in half or at the base and took the cable and electric lines with them. For 18 hours, people in my neighborhood couldn't even leave their houses, the only exit to the area was blocked by downed lines, transformers that exploded, and debris from the destroyed poles. If you look closely, you can see that only a block from the entrance to my neighborhood, is the railroad crossing. The falling poles and power lines destroyed the railroad crossing, which leads to the factory across the street. It was a magical cluster fuck of "what the Hell?".
As a veteran, prior service military, and,  a mom of adult military members, my household and I tried to make light of the situation. Adapt and overcome, right? Vegas is awesome, with everything a person could need, within a reachable walking distance...... except that we couldn't leave the neighborhood for the majority of the day. The weather was uncharacteristically freezing, the result of the cold front that brought the damaging winds. It was nearly 50*F colder than the day before. Talk about, "What the f*ck?" 
To compound matters, I was due to be on a plane, to visit a client on the East coast that night. With no light, no electricity, no hot water, this was turning into a logistical nightmare. 
My first concern was preserving the food in the household. The electric company texted my dying cell phone that the power was expected to be out for days. I was supposed to be gone for two days, for this appointment. I couldn't leave my family with no food and no electricity. I mean, fucking Hell. The timing of this shit, right? So, my happy South Philadelphian ass climbed over a neighbor's wall, too exit the neighborhood. I walked my happy ass, in the freezing cold, too the grocery store, to buy dry ice. I never used that stuff before and was praying it would keep the contents of my refrigerator and freezer. I also had to buy a fuck ton of candles. With zero light in the entire neighborhood, it gets pitch black, very early, about 4pm. Due to the vaulted ceilings and layout of my home, a couple of flickering lights weren't going to cut it. 
The updated texts from the power company weren't encouraging, either. Each time they texted, it was worse news. This whole time, I'm thinking, " I've got to get to the airport in a few hours, for the redeye. "
Finally, 18 hours after the incident, the power company used cranes to hold up the power lines that were blocking the neighborhood exit. With only three hours until I had to be at the terminal, I rushed myself to the gym to shower and shave, put on a little makeup. Thank God, I had packed the night before, there was no way I'd be able to see in the house, well enough to find what I needed. 
Making this long story a hair shorter, efforts were effective. I made it to the airport on time and the food in the house was preserved. The power, however, didn't come back on until two days after this happened. The cable didn't get restored until last night, just before I returned home. Resourceful as f*ck, my family used the fireplace to heat the home. With all of the wood that was strewn throughout the neighborhood, they gathered bundles and had a blast burning debris, like it was a camping trip. 
I've gotten very little sleep, since Monday. Frankly, I don't know how I'm even functioning. The good news is that I'm back to being up and running and will be uploading some footage for you all this afternoon. I'm grateful you're all patient and can see the humanity in this event. 😙



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