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Roar. 😐 That was delightful sarcasm. I was told, about myself, by myself. Just when my id-jiot brain swears it knows better, than the average, medical superhero,  BAAM! Reality bit me right in the ass. 
After months of eating like a lunatic lab rat, my family came to visit this weekend. 
These are Texas folks. If any of you are from Texas, or, at the very least, southern,  you know how these individuals throw down. First thing they said, after coming down the terminal, was, " Girl, we need to fatten you up, you're just wasting away. "(I'm definitely NOT 'wasting away,' but, my appearance is noticeably more fit. To some southern folks, this means sick or hippie-liberal-ish.....lol)
My relatives, with all of their festive love and generous disregard for the Surgeon General, proceeded to cook up the most horrifyingly delicious plates my deprived commitment could witness. 
Once, just once, I ventured to join in these culinary masterpieces. Didn't want to be rude, they were so proud to share their cooking. I thought to myself, " A little won't hurt, I'm working out and being really, really good. "
Naaaaaaah. I could hear my doctor, en absentia, laughing his ass off, as my stomach took a three day chorus of, " F*ck you, AJ." Oh, f*ck me, was right. 
For three days, I couldn't think straight, sleep, or muster the energy to be the charming tour guide for my enthusiastic and unsympathetic , highly amused visitors. I believe my sister's words were, " Serves you right for eating like a commie." πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ The b*tch....
So,  note to self: stick to Dr Awesome's highly effective and educated advice. 
*****While I recover from this digestive middle finger, I'm extending free dms through the rest of the week. I'm shooting with tattoo vice, Jenn Hexx, tomorrow. You'll see exclusive video here, only!*****



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