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I didn't want to alarm anyone, or, interrupt the holiday spirit. Now that the event is over, I can clue you in on what's been happening:
A few weeks ago, my surgeon noticed I was retaining fluid I  my lower extremities. Following body sculpting surgery, this is a health risk. So, to combat the edema, it's called, the surgeon put me on something called Lasix. If you've e ever had a heart or bp issue, you know that this is the end-of-the-road, no-joke bp medication. 
The morning after beginning this medication, my body rejected the healing that had all but been complete. My bruising was gone in record time, my shape was immaculate, my energy was superb. 
After beginning this medicine, my entire surgical area swelled up, appearing to have had no reshaping, at all. Even worse, it looked larger than before the procedure! This was the first sign something wasn't right. 
Immediately after this happened, the incisions, which were completely healed, popped open, draining nonstop. They still are. I'll spare you those details, but, my surgeon and nurses said it's normal, the exodus shows no signs of infection. 
Well, Damn it. It's not normal, I told myself. This is b.s. A person doesn't go from almost completely healed to a post operative emergency. 
Just as this began occurring, my organs began to show distress. Kidneys began malfunctioning, heart beating irregularly, brain emitting micro seizures, the works. Still, no one listened. 
I finally begged the doctor to look at me, one more time. 
He still couldn't find any surgical complications, but, put me on antibiotics just in case the drainage was caused by an invisible infection. 
Well. Fuck me running. 

NO. It WASN'T an infection. 

I stopped taking the Lasix, all it was doing was making my body feel like garbage, I felt like I was slowly dying. No bullshit. I physically felt my body systematically shutting down. WANNA KNOW WHY??

There are a few motherf*ckers I'd like to thank for the last three weeks of HELL that I've so quietly been managing. 
Ladies and gentleman, if a person has an allergy to penicillin,  you don't give that person penicillin. People allergic to peanuts can't eat peanut butter. COMMON SENSE. Yours truly is severely allergic to penicillin,sulfa and sulfanomide derivatives. That means that SULFA or ANY medicines containing it are likely going to cause a potential life threatening reaction. K? We've got that tid bit under our hats?
Lasix is a SULFANOMIDE. 
These motherf*ckers not only prescribed me a drug that could have killed me, but, the PHARMACIST approved and dispensed it to me. There are a few people I'm miffed at this morning. 
My saving grace, what undoubtedly saved my life, in the middle of this systematic organ distress, were the several antihistamines, of different chemical compounds, that I take to manage my asthma. I take three different types of allergy blockers. Totally keeps my asthma in check. My former sponsor, a leading heart surgeon, recommended that. It may have just saved my life. 
On a hunch, I stopped taking the Lasix, immediately beginning to feel a significant improvement in my condition. Two days later, the swelling in my surgical area is beginning to quiet, the draining is slightly calming, the pain is not as severe. I knew it was the medicine, the LASIX. I looked it up, just on a whim........

Lasix,  a sulfanomide derivative, NEVER should have been given to me. I'm motherf*cking lucky to be alive today. 
My family and I are not going to sue the sh*t out of anyone. That's some hippie liberal sh*t. No permanent injuries have been suffered. Just inconvenience and discomfort. There's no need to ruin anyone's life over that. We ARE,  however, going to raise the most righteous, formally expressed,  stink about it. Getting our ducks in a row, we are going to file a well written, document supported complaint to the pharmacy company and the surgical group. 
Not looking for any compensation. God told me, after years of treating my body like sh*t, and He forgave  me for it,  I could let this one go. The Almighty will handle it. 

The picture had nothing to do with the excerpt. Just thought y'all might like it. 😁



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