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I had such a fun time at the party… I hope you haven’t missed me too much. I’ve missed posting to you guys but I’ve been such a sleepy girl ^-^ but.. more importantly! *WE WON THE CAKE CONTEST!!* 
-.- okay, that’s what I wish I could have said to you, but unfortunately we lost to lemon drizzle cake ;< 
Which is totally -not- cool, it took me ages to find all the ingredients sigh. I also totally forgot to take a picture before we ate it.. It didn’t go really well ;< 

But! I made 2 new friends ; > which is really cool! I’m usually actually not that great at making new friends because I’m actually quite shy when I see new people, it takes me ages to come out of my bubble and be my real self around people ;o.. I wonder if anyone ever feels comfortable enough to just be themselves immediately around people ;o? Do any of you feel like that?

I did end up drinking a lil bit, hence taking a Sunday snooze ^-^ I binged a bunch of tv shows but haven’t managed to find a new series that I’m really invested in yet.. I feel like -I need- to be watching/working on a series or I feel like I’m missing a huge chunk of looking forward to something. It’s so fun after being busy, looking forward to sitting down and watching a new series u are super invested in.. it makes rainy days so good :’) 

What did you do this weekend? ❤ tell me your ONE favourite moment, I’d love to hear about it.. doesn’t even have to be big.. maybe just “the moment I put my first mouth-full of pot-noodle into my mouth :>” 

Love you and can’t wait to make content for you this week ❤ 
- Your belle ❤



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