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*🐰 easter diary🐰*

First of all just wanted to take this chance to say *happyyyy easterrr* I hope you had a really nice time however you spent today! It really felt like spring today in the UK 🌸 

This morning I had such a lazy lay-in - it was so fricken cozy, it was sunny out my window but omg the bed was so warm, I wish you could have snuggled into it with me lol >.>... so I did that thing where I woke up, then told myself I’m going to wait to get out.. and fell back asleep ;3 😴 in fact the only reason I even got out of bed at all (very late) was because there was a fricken wasp flying into my window over and over again from the inside 😠 “**tap**  buzz *tap* buzz **tap**”

But, I haven’t seen a single wasp yet this entire year, so I guess even though they’re a nightmare - it’s kinda nice to see those lil buddies again ^-^

So I went to make breakfast (and when I say make, i mean microwave 😜) because I ordered these cool new packaged healthy microwave meals that I have delivered twice a week because I’m trying to be a lil healthy and cut down on naughty snacking 🍫 🚫 

So I hope I can improve my habits and maybe improve my energy levels ;> kinda boring thing to update you about but 👉🏻👈🏻🥹 i’m kinda proud of myself hehe.. 

But yeah.. today has been a slow day apart from that 💜 

I decided it was time to take out my paint brushes again and start painting 🎨 🖌️so I got out all of my old bits and pieces from my art draw and then realised that I didn’t have a canvas.. so then I tried to go and get a canvas from the art supply shop and then realised it was closed because it’s easter Sunday (duhhh 🐣) 

Also probablyyy for the best I didn’t start painting anything.. because when I start something that I get super obsessed and you wouldn’t hear from me for like a fricken week 😖 I’m super one track minded when I’m enjoying something lulz. 

It’s like when I’m super horny I just crave Sex. All. The. Time. Like, there isn’t a single minute of that day where I don’t have a small, ickle, little thought about doing something horrrnyy 😏

Today I had that with art, tomorrow it could be with hamsters, or maybe I will become obsessed with ants and make my own giant ant enclosure 👉🏻👈🏻 i just don’t know sometimes ;3 or.. maybe tomorrow I’ll get obsessed with…. *you* ;> 

Anyway, i wish I could tell you that today I did something super awesome like finding a pot of gold ;> 

I hope your day has been huuuugely more entertaining than mine, either that or you are snug in a nice warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate 💕 ⭐️ 🐰 

HAPPY EASTER you wonderful person ;>



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