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**📚🐉 We could play Dungeons and Dragons together ❤️**

I’d be your extremely silly and forgetful sorcerer party member that constantly makes mistakes just **hoping** she’ll be punished.. 
oh no.. I was meant to cast “mage hand” and still the guard captains keys but I.. rolled a 1 and accidentally touched his cock? 🥹😖

I prooomise it was an accident, I’m so sorry.. now we have to stay in this cell and the guard is coming to *punish* me? What should we do? 🫤 🥵

*5 hours later after we finally escape after I -persuade the guard- to let us go…*

You’re stuck in a tavern with me getting off with myself using mirror image to make gold coins so I can buy a wagon ;3 
Hehehe.. oof there are so many naughty things I could do 😈



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