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Why is my clit so pumped up lately? It's like huge! It's because it's in full clit erection mode. Just like your dick, I get turned on, and boom, it grows. I'm doing super hard physical labor stuff with a few guys around my house, and fuck if it doesn't make me horny. I mean slip and slide wet type horny. Getting my insides turned into jizz soup-type horny. Weird. I know. But I can't help it. I think it's an age thing. The older I get, the more I want dick. My gayness is sliding backward as well. I like being gay now and then. But now, pussy isn't all that for me anymore. Dick, however, is something I can't get enough of. It's fun getting old. That's all I can say. I know people bitch about and I get it. I get up out of bed in the morning and realize that I have somehow injured myself in my sleep. But it works itself out, so there are no major complaints there. The thing is, my pussy still thinks it's 18, and I'm good with that. Ten years ago, if you asked me if it was possible to cum harder and stronger than I was back then, I would have said, "Impossible!" That would kill a person. Yet year after year, I cum harder, stronger, and longer to the point I am shocked I even survive it. I cum so hard now I turn into a sperm-pumped moron mumbling to a dick, telling it how much I love it as if it can hear me. I'm licking sperm off the floor because I'm told to. And I'm happy to do it. So yeah, getting old may suck in some ways, but for me, I'll take it if the sex keeps getting better and better like it does.

I do wish guys would get over whatever mindfuck they have going on about using pills, shots, devices, whatever it takes to get the dick hard. Do you think I give a rat's ass how you get your dick hard? No, not one fuck is given. I'm talking to the mostly over-40 crowd here. They think it's some kind of embarrassment if they admit they take Viagra or do Tri-Mix. It's just stupid. Just do it. Do you think I care if you take something for allergies? I don't. Nothing you can do about it. Same thing for dick hardeners. It's life, and we have answers to fix that, so use them, for fucks sake. Sadly though, I am not the girl for you if you choose not to and think holding hands or eating me out is enough for me. I'll be fucking someone else almost immediately. I'm shallow and selfish like that.



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