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Well, here are some pretty hot pics because it’s pretty fucking hot outside. So, if you are going to be hot…you might as well be “hot!”

I know it’s been a bit since I posted, but fuck if I didn’t catch a nasty cold. This one sucked. Made my last bout with Covid look like a walk in the park. Covid was an inconvenience…the flu, however… a whole other level, dammit! They are calling it an upper respiratory infection. Saw the doc today and got the pills that sometimes work and sometimes don’t. I usually just tough this crap out, but this cold has been hanging on. Please, I don’t want to hear all the get-well-better stuff. It’s life. It’s not the first time I have had a cold. It won’t be the last. I’m a big girl, I can handle it. 

Nothing to report on sex-wise. Everyone has the damn flu. I got it, Scott has it, Paul is complaining he has it…all of Daytona probably has it. Takes the sex drive right out of you. Not completely. I rubbed one out the other morning. I should have waited. I think it made me feel worse in the end. Oh well. I have this feeling tomorrow is the day I start rounding the curve on this whole thing, so let’s keep our fingers crossed. Connor is cumming home next week for a week, and I want to be in top form for him to pump me full as many times as humanly possible. He will be fucking a married a pussy this time, so that should be interesting!



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