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MIGHT start doing customs since I get asked a lot but I've been hesitant about it for a few reasons; a) I'm very very picky, and if i'm not into an idea creatively/sexually I just wont want to do it! That's simply my prerogative! b) I hate working on other peoples deadlines/timescales! It's why I like doing porn like this, cause ykno,  I work on my own schedule! and c) Pressure to deliver what the request is looking for! It's a lot easier to have my product be in-line with the core concept when the concept is in my own head! The thought of spending a lot of time filming/producing a piece to be told it's not what they wanted gives me wayyyy too much anxiety. So, like, we'll see - IF I open up for customs, it will be with caveats and purely at my own discretion <3


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