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Running day number 4 ☺️

So I’ve decided that I’m going to post a pic or a vid after every run I do for 30 days :) I think this will hold me more accountable and give me motivation to go on the days I don’t wanna get out of bed! 

Technically this is day 5 and I’ve only taken one break so far. I’ve never challenged myself to do something every day for 30 days because I never really believed I could, but that’s all changing now. 

Today was definitely a day I could have told myself that I deserve a rest because I was really soar and running a couple times during the week is enough for most people. 

But there’s this little voice that’s popped into my head recently. If you’ve ever struggled with demons or mental health issues, I’m sure you’re aware of that negative voice that pops in your head from time to time. It thinks the worst about life, it holds you back and keeps you from being yourself. It’s really easy to think that this voice is looking out for us, and we become used to pleasing our insecurities. I’ve struggled with that voice since I was 10. 

But this new voice is different. It encourages and motivates me.  It makes me question things differently, my outlook on life is definitely changing because of it. It’s only mission is to make me happy and I’ve never experienced this feeling before so it might take me some time to really sit and reflect on it. But I’m so happy it’s here and I hope it stays :). 

For example when I woke up and I felt soar, my old brain would have told me to just stay in bed until I felt better. But my new brain knows that laying in bed all day doesn’t make you feel better (thanks to going to chiro) so today when I woke up soar, I thought, but how will I feel once I stretch and go for a quick run to loosen everything up? 

I believe in myself more and when I feel the anxiety and stress come on, I can realize it instantly and work on feeling better, instead of letting my emotions consume me all the time :3. 

I’m sorry if these posts aren’t for you and I’m not trying to put pressure on anyone to live the life I do or to do the things I do :) but I hope my new found motivation can motivate you a little too. Also OnlyFans is making me out a period before I can start a new paragraph so prepare for better formatted word vomits haha. 

I hope you all have a lovely day. I decided I was going to clean and organize when I got home so just a quick little pic today but I’m about to jump in the shower and get all dolled up so I can make some content for you ♥️. 

See you all soon and have a lovely day if you’re busy doing something 😊



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