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As someone who goes through depression from time to time, I can’t express how important self care is to me. When I first wake up, the only thoughts that I hear are the negative ones telling me to keep sleeping, and there’s no point in getting ready because you’re not going anywhere (especially during COVID) 

But I’m learning how to be feel balanced, and self care is something I need to do in order to feel that. It’s so much easier to wake up and tell those voices to fuck off, when you know that you’ll be feeling a lot better once you “get ready” 

Getting ready for everyone means different things. For me, I love to brush my teeth, floss, and I use toms for my toothpaste and mouthwash 

Then I jump in the shower and I wash my hair, face, scrub my skin and I let the hot water wash away all my stress. 

You can even see it in my photos, 
I’m less confident, I have less energy and I don’t have as much love for myself before I get ready. But after spending not even an hour, with my full focus on myself and myself only, I feel like a new person. 

When the demons pull you back into bed, you scream right back at them that you’re excited to get ready, you’re ready to feel better and you know you will. Thoughts like these have really helped me balance out.

And I’ll just quickly explain what feeling balanced means to me. It means that even if something comes up in life, and its really bad or sad, that I won’t instantly fall into a low, only coming back up when I feel a high. Feeling highs can also be dangerous if you’re not careful with your thoughts. It’s really great when things work out, and it can be exciting, however that doesn’t mean the rest of your life is boring and sad. I was always feeling either super happy in life, or super sad, and I’m happy to say I’m finally get the whole balancing act that life is (and emotions) 

I’m not perfect, and my life won’t be, the actions I make or the people I meett, but learning how to balance these things and myself has really granted me a lot of inner peace :3 

If you wanna share your self care routine with me feel free to message me 🥰



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