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I don’t like to put lots of pressure on myself, but it’s time for some change 

Other than the McDonalds I ordered last night, I’ve actually been cooking a lot for myself 

I’ve been pretty careless with keeping my location private after I was doxxed the first time 

I thought the worst had been done already, and if people wanted to, they could find out where I live 

There’s been a few times I left the buildings in the background in my photos and videos show, and this has given some creepy men my exact location, I assume they are signed up here too 

Yesterday when I was filming a custom video, someone started throwing stuff at my window in hopes to get my attention, I instantly feared for my safety and well-being and I got really upset and had to take another day off, which I promise you I did not want to do, making content helps me feel happy and that’s all I wanna feel in life 

It frustrated me that I even need to say this because I feel like I’ve been saying the same thing for a while now, but please respect me and my privacy 

I’m taking a very long break from trying to date, but I’ve already said I’m going to be a solo creator for now on 

Please please if you know where I live, ignore that fact, it doesn’t matter 

I’m not going to give you more attention just because you know where I live, if anything talking about my location right now and where I’m from is not up for discussion

I promise to be better at keeping my location safe, I have to move now because yesterday made me feel very uncomfortable, I watched the man walk back to the building right beside mine, and knowing there’s someone that close who’s being really creepy is making it hard to even sleep 

BUT and it’s a big butt 

We are gunna move and I’m going to keep trying to be my best self each day 

I’m not going to let these events change the love I’ve built for myself or content making 

If I’m being completely honest I’m probably not the nicest girl to talk to right now, but I’m definitely feeling a lot better today than I was yesterday :) 

And if you want a girls attention, and you want her to be kind to you, please take two seconds to think before you message her. Asking about her location and commenting on her looks isn’t as welcoming as you genuinely wanting to get to know her, and having questions that show you’re thoughtful and caring 

Saying “I want to get to know you”! Puts a lot of pressure on us, what do you want to know? Be more specific, ask questions about who we are and the decisions we’ve made in life, don’t just let your penis take control and type for you lol 

And please please don’t treat us like sex toys, we are people, I am a person and when I’m treated like one, I respond :)



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