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Guys! Text posts just got a character limit increase, which means I can finally share my NSFW stories directly here rather than Google Docs. Here's the most recent story~

• Strip Beer Pong • 

    So, this happened to me in my sophomore year of college, when I was asked by a fraternity to be one of their rush girls. That meant I’d be involved with all their recruitment events, including getting to know the new freshmen guys in activities that took place at night. 

    Night one was pretty low-key with a tiki bar and karaoke, but on night two, the brothers encouraged the rush girls to really get to know the guys. That was usually our signal to play beer pong. The stripping kind. 

	Being someone too shy to even wear a strapless dress, I knew the game would really push my comfort zone. But I didn’t sign up to be a rush girl to be comfortable—at least not when drinking was involved. That night, I showed up at the house wearing a sweater and miniskirt. 

    As busy as can be, the bouncer checked my ID and quickly ushered me in behind a group of huge 6’+ guys. If that wasn’t intimidating enough, as soon I walked into the house, my eyes were met with table after table of flashy, red solo cups scattered throughout the room. 

	“Hey Ari, this way!” 

    I turned around to see a friend waving me over to his table, where two groups of guys were setting up cups and getting ready to play. “Did you want to join us? We need just one more.” 

    For one, I could barely hold down my own alcohol, being a small Asian girl whose genetics didn’t get along well with drinking. There was no knowing what I’d be like after taking several shots. Would I be able to control myself? What if I said something or did something that I’d regret later? 

    “l um—I’ll be right there!” I surprised myself by agreeing, and kicked myself for not saying something smoother. 

    While I tried not to let the anxiety get to me, at the same time, I felt strangely excited. It had been almost two whole years since I’d been in a relationship, and being around so much testosterone was inevitably sending my thoughts all over the place. 

    Suddenly, I felt a jolt of electricity shooting between my thighs, and before I knew it, I’d already made a wet mess under my skirt. I didn’t realize I’d been this horny, and now I was more terrified than ever to drink.

    “You know how this game works, right?” one of the guys asked. “Each of us throws once per round. If we make it in the cup, those guys can either remove one piece of clothing or drink the beer to save the cup. Once the cup gets the ball again, it has to be consumed. Losers strip naked and run a lap around the neighborhood.”

    Welp. There was no backing out now. I nodded, and began watching each team member make their first toss. Miss. Miss. Hit. Miss. Hit. People’s belts and socks were coming off one by one, and soon enough, it was my turn. Miss. Of course. Knew I could count on my hand-eye coordination to fail me now. I gingerly removed my sweater, slipping the soft knit cable over my head to reveal a black lace bralette underneath. 

    “Ooh, Ari’s giving us a treat tonight!” one of the new guys smirked. I felt myself blush immediately. 

    “And she’s flushing even without alcohol!” another guy chimed in. 

    I laughed along with the group, but internally I was mortified. I’m supposed to be the one like an older sister to these freshmen, but they definitely see me like a little sister now.

    More hits and misses, more shirts and pants coming off. Sweaty, tipsy guys getting themselves semi-nude all around me. The more clothing the table accumulated, the more wetness my panties did too. I’d be lying if I didn’t say my eyes wandered around the room, checking out the guys’ bulges. Seeing their packages outlined prominently by tight boxer briefs was driving me crazy. Needless to say, the wet spot under my skirt only continued to grow... 

    “Ari, you gotta drink this one!” 

    Damn. That cup had already been hit twice? I reached over the table and grabbed the cup, hands shaking slightly. Control yourself, Ari. You’re too horny to think right now. Calm. Down. I finished off the drink just as the guys burst out laughing. Were they laughing at me? Ooh, not this time. One of the guys had begun taking off his last article of clothing… his boxers. 

    “Aaron, stop trying so hard to impress Ari!” someone jabbed. 

    I blushed harder and folded my arms around my chest, pretending not to look at his package hanging out. It took all the self control I could muster to steer my gaze the other way. 

    “I think I’ve got her attention though,” he winked, taking a seat on the couch next to me. 

    I laughed uncomfortably and stared ahead at the table, but internally, I couldn’t get myself to think of anything else except for his dick being inches from my body. Just the thought of his body being so close to mine sent goosebumps everywhere—down my back, and along my thighs... 

    I prayed that he wouldn’t see how turned on I was. Surely I wasn’t doing a good job concealing my excitement. I squirmed in my seat and crossed my legs, trying to hide the ever spreading wetness down there.

    “Alright Ari, let’s bring it home!” 

    In my daydream, I had failed to realize that there was no way my team was winning. This was our last shot before the opposing team took our last cup. I tossed the ball and watched it bounce off the rim of a cup. Darn. That was our last chance. 

    “Aaron’s team, get ready for your naked run!” 

    Did I have enough drinks to do this? Probably not. Did I want Aaron to see my body completely nude? Kind of. Okay… yes. I definitely did. As a matter of fact, I had my suspicions that these guys wanted the game to go this way… and I did too. 

    “Get your clothes on the table! Clothes on the table!” 

    The laundry pile grew exponentially as the guys ripped off their shirts and boxers. I hid in the corner of the room, undoing my bralette and sheepishly pulling off my skirt and panties. This surely wasn’t fair—I was the only girl on the naked run. But, who was I trying to fool? Secretly, I enjoyed the attention. I could feel the gaze of a dozen guys as I emerged from the corner, fully naked. A couple of jaws dropped, and I might’ve caught one guy drooling a little. Now it was their turn to be embarrassed. The thrill of showing my naked body to a group of guys was thrilling yet terrifying at the same time. I couldn’t believe I'd actually done it. Judging by the overall reaction in the room, these guys couldn’t believe it either.

    “Wow... look at you, Ari!” Aaron motioned to the door. “Join us outside?” 

    I crossed my arms over my chest and followed the rest of the pack outside. It was mid-October and the nights had gotten chilly. As soon as the crisp air hit my naked body, I knew the only way to stay warm was to keep running. The guys were cheering and yelling, some rodeo-waving their shirts around and smacking each other on the ass. But always the gentleman, Aaron was doing his best to ignore the others and run with me in the back.

    “So, what’s your mile time?” 

    This guy is so charming he might just impregnate me with his smile. Say something clever, please, think of something!

    “I, uh, honestly I haven’t run a whole mile before,” I mustered. 

    Wow, stupid. That was seriously the best answer you could think of?

    He laughed with me. “I was never a fan of long-distance either.”

    “Same here,” I chimed in. “I always enjoyed sprints, but my endurance sucks.” 

    We slowed our run down to a jog, then waited till we lost sight of the others before we made a sharp turn into an alleyway. Something about this guy drew me towards him, and even though we were butt-naked in the cold, I didn’t mind as long as he was here with me.

    “If you’ll let me, Ari, I’ll show you something else about endurance,” he smirked. “Want to keep each other warm?”


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