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***TINIES - New Announcement!***
*If I reach my monthly goal I will give every Tiny who donates DAILY pics (your choice of subgenre) at no extra cost for an ***ENTIRE MONTH*** and will continue to do so in the months to come (as long as I keep reaching that monthly goal).*
If every subscribing Tiny ***donates $50/month***, I will easily reach this goal.

I realize I have not posted my stories for the week. There is a ***current emergency*** that I have to attend to, so unless y'all can ban together to ***donate as much money as possible***, I will be taking a ***haitus*** for a month while I get my barings straight. 
***Only you have the power to help*** me make this my full-time job, (while also ***helping take care of my giant family***) 
but, right now, it only pays a fraction of the bills and my family needs me. If I am able to reach a ***goal of $10,000***, I will not have to take a haitus. If My Tinies choose to ignore a Goddess in time of need, I will have no choice but to ***ignore all of you in return***. 
*No stomps, no tease, no vore, no stories unless y'all can come together and help The Giantess.*



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