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I hope you've been loving the new Green Uniform Set!
I've been enjoying doing more HOT SAUCY IMPLIED LEWD kinda stuff. Do you like it? IF YOU DO LET ME KNOW!! Im always second guessing this stuff so feedback on it is helpful!
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Its time for another ramble/ update post! You don't have to read, just giving a life update >:)

During my big break I spent a long time reflecting where I want to go and how I want to develop my OnlyFans content. Just so you know, I don't want to stop. There's just a lot of problems that need to be resolved. One of the biggest problems is me and my inability to able the humidity here in Brisbane.
Unfortunately, turning on the aircon doesn't solve the problem. Since moving up my skin has quite literally changed. I saw a dermatologist last month and it has helped immensely, added before and after pics of my forehead. Before this I couldn't wear makeup because my skin would absorb it, making it look very lumpy & patchy. See second pic but imagine all over my face. My eczema had also triggered which was something I've never had a problem with before in dryer climate.
Plus being in a tight outfit in front of hot lights in sticky humid weather animorphs me into a cranky toddler. The photos end up 'eh' at best, the makeup needs constant touch ups and I'll usually end the shoot early.
This is obviously.... not good... and needs a proper solution. Which is why Bella & I travelled down to Melbourne to see how the climate was and finds areas we liked. We liked it so much & have decided to move there. As well as planning on separating our personal and work life by hiring out a legit studio/warehouse.
Everything for work is in the house and it's too cluttered. There's a two car garage but it's used for storage. Very little space for personal things.
Despite the type of content I make, I have a *lotttttt* of anxiety about anything sexual irl. Due to this, I like having total privacy when shooting and having a separate place would be fantastic. This would also mean more videos!

Sooooooo yeah! tahdah



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