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🏕️Summer camp: Fattening up your friend 🏕️
Stephanie has always been a very shy girl, ¡but I loved her!
This summer surprisingly, she came much fatter than usual, last summer she was an athletic girl, but I don't know what happened... 😳
She is so round, she has her giant belly and hips, and without thinking twice, I like her so much more now than before, I don't know what she would have been doing, but it worked for me 🙌🏻
One afternoon, at camp, I decided to invite her to my tent to play one, she shyly agreed 🏕️
Everything was progressing well, I even made a comment about her weight... noticing that she was not bothered, I continued with my plan, to gain her as much weight as possible for the rest of the summer.
I dared her to eat all the food she had left, in 1 minute ⏱️
I think I already knows what she was doing this summer, because she  ate it all! 🫣
But that wasn't my main plan, I saved a sixpack just for her, just thinking about that swelling belly made me so horny 💥
She is such an obedient and cute little pig, she chugs and burps, and she keeps drinking
She told me that one day she would like to complete a burger challenge; just by imagining it...
It was incredible what was happening, not in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I was going to be making Stephanie fat like this.
I have to think of some plan to continue making her fat, she looks so hot being a pig.. 🐷



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