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22 media, 21 photos, 1 videos, for 15$.


It's cosplay Friday! It's time for Albedo!!! Hopefully I earned my name with this one. 😉

For this convention I did all 3 of my Albedo outfits: Her main outfit, her sweater outfit, and then her bikini! 

I even did a lot of public stuff with the sweater and her bikini, but unfortunately OF won't let me share those here. But don't you worry, I still got a lot of sexy Albedo content for you to see! 

So let's start with our group Overlord shot, with Ainz and Pandora's Actor!

Then you can feast your eyes on my sweater outfit, complete with my little ass hanging out!

Then, the super sexy bikini outfit!! I know what you boys and girls love about that one. 

In this massive set you get to see sexy convention shots, some window flashing, even some nude hallway walking. What's not to love?



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