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I wanted to run something by yall. Long rant post, feel free to skip if those aren't your thing. Thanks for being here regardless.

Okay, so sometimes when I'm doing a shoot I start feeling really confident I'll flirt with my limits and shoot stuff that goes farther than I sell just because I'm really feeling myself and why not? Generally, I try to do one "high value" set a month where I really push shit and its really lewd. I shot that set last night because I was feeling cute. The pics alone are really really lewd and I'm very happy with them so regardless of what I decide the set still slaps. But at the end of the set, I was shooting some videos to include... and I made a really good implied nude topless one. I sold pics like that before but video feels a lot more...pornographic. i dont know. 
I've done implied nude topless vids on my snap but no one is allowed to save those so if felt...safer I guess.

I'm okay with selling it, I actually really like the video. Its an implied nude, bare breast massaging and riding POV.  While its not all the way there, full topless has always been a hard limit of mine. I've always promised myself I wouldn't go there. Additionally , if you've been here for a bit you'll know how insecure I am about my natural breasts. It's bad. Sometimes I think people dont believe me when I say that. Like I get it, I'm in the SW industry, hating your body seems like a bit of a contradiction but I hate them. I think about getting a breast augmentation about 5 times a day, every day. Every single day. Every time I look in a mirror. Every time I open my social medias. Constantly. It's my biggest insecurity. They're underwhelming and like half empty chip bags. I used to be a good bit heavier and I lost the weight really suddenly and so theyre kinda saggy and empty and I hate them. Because I have some lose skin, I am insanely good at making them look bigger and fuller than they are in real life. Posting a video of them without anything helping them look better is a lot for me. But even with all that insecurity, I still kinda like the video....like I actually don't hate the way they look. So idk. Posting a bare breast massage video, even though there isn't unobstructed nipple, is both really flirting with my hard limit, and also shows of a major insecurity. If I sold it with the pics i would likely make the set be the most expensive one I've sold. 

I guess my concern is that I'm kinda afraid that I'm overvaluing it. That people wont feel the difference between pictures and videos as much as I do. To me, a topless video of me rubbing myself just feels really different than a static picture to me, but no one is obligated to agree with that. Especially when there are a lot of creators with much nicer tits than me who price them a lot better.

Like I know it's my body and I get to set the price but it's also really rough to push a limit and people not being as interested as you had hoped. That would be a big self confidence hit and i dont know if this is a good time to risk feeling crushed. Money is tight for people and no one is going to value my body as much as I do. i dont know. I know this post is vague and ranty and isnt really asking a specific question but I'd love some general feedback. I guess to distill some of my concerns into questions, do you feel a difference between pics and videos of similar things? How do you justify paying more for a creator when others show more for the same price or less? (please dont take that as a dig on other creators I love my bbs very much) Do you have an interest in more boob content? Does it change anything about the way that you feel about the content when you know that the creator is pushing themselves when posting? General thoughts on this topic? i dont know, feel free to chime in with answers to one or all of the questions or just general thoughts, I'd really appreciate it.


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