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Ok, it’s now the DAY OF your fancy dinner party that Anne Boleyn is supposed to be organising and that tart has still not come to your bedroom to ask if you approve of the table settings! Jesus, this woman just doesn’t obey like she used to… the servants tell you she has been reading a lot of ‘feminist’ books recently and the odd one about witchcraft but you don’t take any of that poppycock seriously. It’s probably just a phase. You’re sure that she’ll be dressed and ready to host the dinner party later, so you carry on your day like a king should - by having a massage and a steam and flicking through your book of ‘Henry the Eighth inch’s potential conquests’ to see if the kingsmen have found any new women within a 100km radius that you may wish to ‘engage with’ in the future… that’ll teach Anne a lesson for being so aloof lately!



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