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The end goal to anything in life isn’t just achieved overnight 🥰 it takes minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years to achieve and with each success and win their are always many set backs along the way 🥲 in all walks of life. How you deal with those set backs & loss’s in your life is what helps shape your future and reach that end goal 🥰 each mistake, each failure there is a lesson to be learned, it will test your character and your true inner strength, you have to break yourself down, accept your weakness’s and rebuild the best version of you! Mentally & Physically 🥰 
I used to gym constantly to distract myself from my internal mental pain, by causing myself physical pain, pain on the outside wouldn’t feel as bad as that on the in 😊
Now I punish myself because I want too and not because I feel I deserve it to shut away internal trauma 😂 I’ve had to rebuild my brain first before rebuilding my body; and I will make my come back one day 💪 I know this time round it will be a slower bounce back suffering from neurological issues and chronic pain 💪 just takes a little longer but I’m ready 🍑 count down = 24 month come back time 😈 12 months to go! Come on body 🥺
Pictures are probably 7 years apart 🥰
Left 2011 Right 2018



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