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I don’t think I am supposed share this yet since we are still in the early design phases but I wanted to give you guys a little sneak peek of a project that NakedBakers has been brought in on. 

I was contacted by a close friend in my network who loves my show and is pretty big in the cannabis industry. He asked me if I would be down to help them develop a line of bake at home edible kits. I said of course. 

They will handle everything from growing to packaging and shipping. Plus they already have connections with dispensaries all throughout California. They want me to help design the instructions on the back of the boxes as well as make instructional videos for each box recipe. 

I am just now starting to get designs back from their design team and they look awesome! This is just one of them. I will for sure show more when we get further along. 

Also, it’s pretty cool, but the designer who we are using for this project happened to be a close friend of mine from my high school days and he is going to help me get some designs going so I can start printing official naked bakers shirts for myself and the crew here at the house. I think it would be so fun to give people shirts when they come over to be on the livestream. 

If you guys end up liking how they look, I would totally setup an online shop to sell them. More news to come on that. :)



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