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Hii! It's been almost a month (or has it been a month already?!?) since I started my page on here. It flew by pretty damn fast! Have you been enjoying my posts so far? How did I do?? u.u Honestly I'm still just getting the hang of it and even though there's a number of functions (or a lack of) that I'm not the biggest fan of, it's better than other similar platforms I came across so far. There's definitely a lot of things that could be fixed and maintained to work properly, but besides the tech aspect I really enjoyed being able to talk to you and connecting with you guys. My biggest issue is not being able to effectively chat in private messages after I sent out my video in a group message, it made it impossible for me to see unread messages and I'm having to manually click each and every follower to check if there's a previous unread message. There's no way around it and it's very badly designed. :( So I'll have to come up with a better way of sharing my future vids at half price without using the ppv option (any ideas welcome :>). Which brings me to a little announcement - there's a new freebie I will be putting on here soon as a way to thank you for being supportive and always having my back and cheering me up when my mind starts getting dark, whether it's with your kind words of encouragement or simple photos of your adorable pets. :') You can look forward to that! I will stop rambling now, what I was trying to say is.. Thank you, always. <3



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