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COOKING NAKED AGAIN!! Making Italian Ragu!!

As some of you requested, below you find all of the ingredients and cooking instructions!!

Ingredients for 4 people:

-500g Ground meat (80% beef, 20% pork)
-700ml Tomato sauce
-1 big red onion
-1 glass of red wine
-1 cup of meat stock
-A dash of Extra virgin olive oil
-Salt to taste
-A few laurel leaves


You can use some extras to enhance the flavour of your ragu. 
Commonly used extras are pork or beef bones, fat coming from cured meats like prosciutto (raw ham), sausages, parmesan crusts and pancetta (pork belly).

Today we decided to use some bones and excess fat we trimmed out of a 60 days dry aged steak we had last week (we never throw those away, we put them in a bag, freeze them and keep them for this kind of occasions) and some smoked salt.

Cooking Instructions:

-Cut the onion in nice thick chunks, don't make it too fine, keep some of that texture!
-Use a big enough pot to house all the ingredients (keep in mind the liquids that are going in later) and start by doing a "soffritto"(italian stir fry) with Olive oil, onion and in our case, the dry aged bones and fat trimmings.
Medium-high heat should do the trick, be careful to caramelize the onion without burning it, so keep stirring all the time!
-reduce the heat and add your ground meats and deglaze the pot with the meat stock. Then add salt to help extracting the water from the meat and onions.
-Once simmering the wine goes in. this will add to the colour and flavour complexity. Keep simmering for approximately 40 minutes or until you see the fats separating from the sauce and floating on top of it.
-If you used any, take your extras out of your ragu and save them for later. they are great for decorating your plates!

Your Italian Ragu is ready!

To match with your sauce Edo recommends Pappardelle, Rigatoni, Mafalde or any kind of rough pasta that has scores, holes or wide surfaces!

Enjoy! If you make it send us pics and tell us how you liked it!



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