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IT5 MY B1RTHD4Y 2DAY, bi7cHez ( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ) and 2 celebrate the birth of Ur favor1tee virus, im doing a speci4l sale just for u, cuz im soo0o gener0us and k1nD >;3 

SO today, u can get TWO special melware bundles; 

TH3 BITTY BUNDLE, with 30 pieces of content [3 videos and 26 pics] for just $15~ thats a f0urty dolllar value for like, way less than tnat. 
 u can g3t my best d34l EVER- **THE MELWARE MEGA BUNDLE!!!**
90 pictures, and 10 full videos. for $40. DOLLARS. 

Y34 u HEARD m3 RIGHT, 100 pieces of melware goodness if u **TIP $40**!!! But this deal wont l4st 4ever, u hear me? im in a good mood 2day, but who knows what tomorrow will bring... SO MAKE SURE U GET IT WHILE U CAN,  bi7cHez mwahaa



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