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Hopefully, this post is met warmly because I need to talk about something annoying which is the money aspect of being here. 

TL;DR: If you love being here and like me, please tip and buy custom content once I get it up and rolling! 
Monthly fundraising will become a new pinned feature and 10% of each month will go to a charity we all choose together. 
If I can make this my job, you'll end up with more regular, higher quality NEVER PPV content on your feed and I will be able to have the time to make all of it. 
Will be rolling out a price list today

First, I didn't want spring requests for more support from you without a little talk. I will always work to be transparent with you guys about my process because while I have so much love, I am still super new and just kind of jumped in without the polish of most because I was ready to fuck myself for you. Now don't worry, I will never be as polished as some because that just isn't my personality type but I'd like to get more organized, up content quality and be a better creator all around. It's for my benefit and yours! 

I get so much love, so much support from everyone. You all are so engaging, fun, and horny. There is a certain amount of luck and magic to go along with the dedication, work and passion to make a new venture successful. And you guys are my magic. Thank you so much.

That said, I am getting close to being able to make this my full-time job for the time being (my career is ultimately my passion and I'll return when I miss it) and I am feeling horny enough and interested enough to dive in fully. Right now, my time is split between here and part-time job as well as my husband's schedule. I have had to take customs, ratings, skype shows etc off the table in order to accommodate that work schedule so that I'm being fair to all of you.

My commitment to not having PPV despite putting up routine pics and videos that are way longer than what most girls charge for $50 PPVs is something I'm told is a dumb decision by all of my fellow creators. I'm cutting myself short. I could be fully supporting myself in this endeavor by now they tell me. The thing is that I like having all the content I make available to you for the sub price, I think that it is more than fair and I'm not really interested in putting myself or you through the rigmarole of scheduled, annoying PPV in your inbox and nothing to fully drain your balls in my feed. 

All this said, tip as you're able! Your tips mean so much to me and I hope you feel you're getting more than your fair share of content and interaction for the price of sub. If you see content that makes you sweat, give me a tip. 

 I'm going to be making a pricing list today with limited slots available for now and I am really hoping that you guys jump on some custom content. I am also going to be making some slight changes regarding dick pics and interactions in my inbox. We are very much growing our horny little fan club and all of your uhm... enthusiastic support heh.. is so much fun but also a lot of expectation is on me. If I'm able to get into a full-time kick, it'll be easier to respond with my old quickness. 

With all this good luck, I'm going to start donate a bit of my earnings to a charity we choose each month!

Thank you thank you THANK YOU 


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