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I have had 3 hours of sleep in the last 3 days and I am still going to end up sewing on the airplane to LA shortly due to repeated disasters with fabric dye and paint y’all pray for me because I’m still determined for me and my bestie be the best goddamn Shin and Sabine cosplayers at LACC 😭 but I’m so proud of us, we hand made every single costume piece from head to toe and when I finally put it all on for the very first time ever on Saturday morning (LMAOOOO) I will post so many pics and make so much porn I swear to god I am so tired of sewing I just want to make my dirty videos and I miss you guys 😭😭😭 but it’s gonna be worth it. 

Also, @sassyserpents is coming over to my house next month to make out with me on camera, which I have somehow never done before????????? Like just have a video of me kissing someone??? Anyway. Very excited. Very excited to kiss pretty girl. :))))))) And to have you all see it, of course. So exciting! Something new!! Is there a real point to this boobless post? Not really. I am so tired! I can hear colors!


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