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1 media, 0 photos, 1 videos, for 30$.


[August 20, 2022] This video is a lot longer than most of the archive releases— I tend to try to keep to little collections or clips that would get a smaller price tag. But!! I think this video is so sweet in its simplicity (I don’t want to spoil The Moment: but just so you know what I’m talking about, in the video I devour my ‘relaxation snack’ of ice cream and then immediately get up for a fresh container—eating right out of it since belly was not yet satisfied 😳💕✨) I do think the film quality and framing could use some work, so I don’t want to sell this for the usual privately distributed price and decided to split the diff and plunk it up as an archive release. 

It’s simple, relaxed, and I think gives a real sense of sitting and watching me eat — though I do think the conversational tone lags a little here and there, I think it’s such a pleasant and peaceful vibe. Those of you who love the comforting aspect of feeding a feedee or quiet fat chat will probably really enjoy this ✨💕💝💕✨ I sit, I stand, I jiggle, and I really, really enjoy myself throughout this one. 

As always, there’s tons more to be released.


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